
The Fruits of Taqwa (part 1 of 2)


Description: The meaning of taqwa and an outline of some of the benefits of attaining taqwa.

By Aisha Stacey (© 2014 NewMuslims.com)

Published on 14 Apr 2014 - Last modified on 26 Apr 2015

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·To understand what the word taqwa means and to have a working knowledge of the concept of taqwa and what it involves.

Arabic Terms:

·Ihsan - perfection or excellence.  Islamically, it is to worship Allah as if you are seeing Him.  While one does not see Allah, he or she is aware that Allah see all. 

·Sahabah - the plural form of “Sahabi,” which translates to Companions.   A sahabi, as the word is commonly used today, is someone who saw Prophet Muhammad, believed in him and died as a Muslim.

·Shaytan- sometimes spelledShaitanorShaytaan.    It is the word used in Islam and the Arabic language to denote the devil or Satan, the personification of evil. 

·Taqwa- Awe or fear of Allah, piety, God-consciousness.  It describes a state of awareness of Allah in everything one does.

What is Taqwa?

FruitsofTaqwa.jpgTaqwa is an Arabic word that does not easily translate into one or two words of English.  It is most often defined as God-consciousness but sometimes it will be translated as piety or fear of Allah.  Taqwa is derived from root letters that mean ‘to shield’.  Thus Islamically taqwa takes on a distinct meaning.  According to some scholars taqwa is being conscious of Allah’s presence and His knowledge thus being motivated to perform righteous deeds and avoid those, which are forbidden.  Noted Islamic scholar Ibn Rajab said the essence of taqwa was to create for oneself a shield that would guard one against Allah’s anger or punishment.

“O you who believe!  Have taqwa of Allah, as you should have of Him and do not die except as Muslims.”(Quran 3:102)

By understanding that this life is nothing more than a transient place and a mere stop upon our journey to the Hereafter, a person is able to acquire taqwa and thus benefit from its many fruits.  The great sahabi and fourth Rightly Guided Caliph of Islam Ali ibn Abi Talib said “The world (of this life) is departing and the Hereafter is arriving, and each of these two has its seekers; so, be among those who seek the Hereafter and not from among those who seek the charms of this life! Today there is action (of good or bad deeds) but no accounts, and tomorrow there will be accounts, but (there will be) no action (of deeds to be done).”[1]

The Benefits (or Fruits) of Having Taqwa

·Having taqwa of Allah causes a person’s affairs in this world to become easy.  One of the biggest benefits of taqwa is that Allah will grant a person with taqwa, or a person struggling sincerely to attain taqwa, peace of mind, contentment and tranquility in this life.  There will be no all-consuming worry or grief.

“...  And whosoever has taqwa of Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him.” (Quran 65:4)

“As for him, who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah, and has taqwa of Him and believes in a reward from Allah, we will make smooth for him, the path of ease.” (Quran 92:5-7)

·Taqwa provides a way out of difficulty.  Part of being human is searching for a way to escape our problems and difficulties.   People look for solutions and ask advice from family and friends and may even seek advice from newspaper columns.  In times of severe stress some people take drugs or drink alcohol as a means of escape but having taqwa means we have access to the greatest advice there is or ever will be.  The words of Allah in the Quran and advice from His Messenger Prophet Muhammad.  Taqwa is the key to solving all dilemmas and problems.

“...  And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him (has taqwa), He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).”  (Quran 65:2). 

·A person with taqwa performs righteous deeds and those deeds are accepted and loved by Allah.  Taqwa is the motivating force; it pushes a person to righteousness because those with taqwa know that Allah observes inner motives and outward actions.  Taqwa is nurtured by worshipping and serving Allah with ihsan and it increases when one carries out righteous acts such as prayer, fasting, contemplation and remembrance of Allah.

“O you who believe!  Havetaqwa of Allah and always speak the truth.  He will direct you to do righteous and correct actions and will forgive you your sins and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement.” (Quran 33:70-71)

“Verily Allah accepts only from the righteous (those who possess taqwa).” (Quran 5:27)

·Taqwa provides protection from Shaytan.  When Shaytan approaches a believer trying to beautify an evil deed, taqwa serves as a shield, which that protects the person from evil.

“Verily, those who have taqwa, when an evil thought comes to them from Shaytan, they remember (Allah), and (indeed) they then see (aright).” (Quran 7:201)

·By the will of Allah Taqwa blesses one’s sustenance and grants one economic prosperity.   Humankind constantly searches for ways to increase sustenance and facilitate a life of comfort and ease.  Sometimes in our eagerness we forget that it is Allah alone who is the Provider and Sustainer of not only us but the universe and all that exists.  If we truly desire an increase in provisions then taqwa is our means to acquire it.  Allah has informed us what is available to those who possess taqwa and place their trust in Him. 


[1] Saheeh Al-Bukhari

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