QUIZ FOR: Easy Guide to Zakah (part 2 of 2)

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1) Khalid being a kind hearted and charitable Muslim gave much of his earnings in charity and donations. When the time came to pay zakah he felt he had already given enough in charity equivalent to the amount calculated as zakah. Can his voluntary charity be counted as his zakah? 

2) On which of the following items is zakah not applicable?

3) Zakah administrators can be paid for their work from zakah funds.

4) Through which channels can one give their zakah if they cannot find poor and needy Muslims to give it directly to?

5) Once zakah is due:

6) A diamond and gold bracelet will have its zakah calculated according to:

7) The due date for which zakah is to be given is calculated in accordance to the:

8) With respect to people who are poor:

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